The health warnings from international doctors, scientists, workers in the G5 telecoms industry and militarized weapons experts have gone unheeded. Despite lively public protests and petitions, our politicians have yet again gone with the money and the Agenda.

For a well referenced military opinion from Dr. Barrie Trower, watch . Its called “5G Gigantic Heath Hazard.” He discusses the physiological, neurological, mind control and crowd control aspects of 5G 2 which have for some years already been used by the emergency services and also in political surveillance. This courageous and highly experienced man knows what he is talking about and explains in common sense terms we can understand.

Also read up on a researcher and scientist called Elana Freeland who has written a series of books. Start with “Chemtrails, HAARP and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth.” She also knows what she is talking about and explains it in language the layperson can understand.

As an island population we make a convenient epidemiological study. But the hundred thousand men, women and children living here are in harm’s way. Our immune systems will be under huge extra strain.

For this reason I have a Get Well Stay Well Morning at 11 a.m. until noon at Holme Grown Country Store, some weekends with Stanley and Janet Payn. Come and join us to share solutions! Contact me for dates.

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