Chem bombs – the exotic weapon to fear most.

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Chemtrails: The Exotic Weapon Climate Change to Fear Most

October 11, 2016
Chem-Bombs Dominate Chemtrails in Covert Climate Engineering 6
chemtrails • Tags: Bruce Douglas, chem-bombs, chemtrails, climate engineering, HAMP
LVAP Aerosols Florida 12-1-2015-AClimate and Hurricane Engineering with Covert Deployment of Large Volume Aerosol Plumes (LVAP)

Aerosols intended for covert climate and hurricane engineering are deployed with nozzles and have nothing to do with fuel additives, contrails or engine emissions.

Bruce Douglas was an organizer for the Chemtrail/Geoengineering Symposium in April 27, 2012 held in Maui, Hawaii. Douglas is also the originator of the Maui Clean Sky Ordinance bill that was under review by Maui County Council member Ellie Cochran who supported such legislation at the time.

The ordinance stated that the people of the County of Maui recognize that geoengineers have proposed the global disbursement of aerosols and other particulates into the atmosphere for the stated goal of reversing the effects of global warming and cooling the planet. Supporters of the bill want geoengineers to notify and gain approval from the county with an environmental impact statement before spraying anything related to climate manipulation in Maui County skies.

Bruce’s presentation at the CBC conference brings new information that adds the term “chembombs” to “chemtrails” to describe a novel method of toxic aerosol deployment seen over Hawaii and globally with increasing frequency.

One suspect capable of of dropping “bombs” of aerosols is the spray system featured in the B-747 tanker patented by Evergeen Air – a company with a dark history of association with the CIA and covert chemtrail ops. In 2014, Evergreen Air filed for bankruptcy, however the patent spray device still exists and can be installed in other aircraft types as specified in the patent literature.

A C-130H Hercules, from the 302nd Air Wing, Peterson AFB, makes a water drop Wednesday May 2, 2007 at the Albuquerque Air Tanker Base during annual MAFFS training. C-130 aircrews from the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve are training with MAFFS (Modular Airborne Fire Fighting System) at the U.S. Forest Service’s Albuquerque Air Tanker Base in New Mexico. Established by Congress in the early 1970’s as a wildland fire protection program, MAFFS is a joint program with the Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve, and the U.S. Forest Service. The system was developed for installation in a Lockheed C-130 Hercules. Currently there are eight MAFFS units with two systems each at 153rd Airlift Wing at Cheyenne, WY, ANG, 146th AW, Port Hueneme, CA, ANG. 145th AW, Charlotte, NC, ANG, and this year’s training host, the 302nd AW, Peterson AFB, Colorado Springs, CO Air Force Reserve. (U.S. Air Force photo by TSgt Rick Sforza, 4th Combat Camera Squadron)(Released)

Another suspect is the Hercules, C-130 equipped with the Modular Airborne FireFighting System (MAFFS) that is easily adaptable to large volume aerosol dumps into the Cirrus level of the troposphere. Equipped with the MAFFS pressurized system, these aircraft have the capacity to deploy LARGE VOLUME AEROSOLS PLUMES (LVAP) to potentially control rainfall, drought and change the intensity of tropical cyclones. The 2009 NOAA/DHS publication on the Hurricane Aerosols Microphysics Program (HAMP) describes hurricane mitigation and/or intensification by deploying aerosols inside the circulation of tropical cyclones. Published as: The Rise and Fall of THE HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM

The following video demonstrates the capability of the C-130H to deploy large volumes of aerosols. We need to wonder why this aircraft is almost never seen or featured in the news as actually fighting a forest fire. Is it because they are all deployed to spray aerosols in the covert climate engineering program? During the interview notice how NORTHCOM commander, Gen. Renuart lists “infectious disease control” as just one of the various missions for the MAFFS system.

CAPTION: Posted May 9, 2010 Produced by SSgt Burt Traynor Courtesy: Third Army/U.S. Army Central/ARCENT – Civilian and military personnel in Greenville, SC April 26th to May 1st, 2010 for certification and recurrent training in the Modular Airborne Fire Fighting System (MAFFS) program. MAFFS is a partnership between federal land management agencies and the military to provide supplemental air tankers to assist in fire suppression efforts nationwide during times of high activity. Scenes include a C-130H, with a Legacy MAFFS system, and a C-130J, with a MAFFS II system, perform an aerial demonstration for local media outlets. Gen. Renuart, U.S NORTHCOM commander, is briefed on the C-130J aircraft with the MAFFS II sytem. Gen. Renuart comments on the MAFFS exercise. Gen. Renuart greets a delegation from Thailand’s Royal Thai Air Force, which was observing the MAFFS exercise. (source video)

For more information and to keep updated on the status of the Maui Clean Sky Ordinance, visit the Maui Skywatch website

Evergreen Airways Lists Weather Modification in Patent

Evergreen Fire Fighting vs Chemtrails

Both the Evergreen and MAFFS systems are capable of deploying atmospheric aerosols that fit the description of Plumes or “Chem-Bombs” – a term coined by Bruce Douglas.

Jet Aircraft Aerosol Emissions Continue to Plague Skies over Global Communities.

Much evidence exists that Evergreen Air is a CIA front company for jet aerosol operations within the United States, weapons, arms dealing, drug running and rendition tortures.

In 2010, Shepard Ambellas – Investigative journalist for the The Intel Hub – interviewed a former Evergreen Air employee (now whistleblower) who verified his work history at the Pinal County Arizona facility with documentation.

The former employee reported that Evergreen was involved in retro-fitting Boeing 727 and 747-c aircraft with liquid discharge tanks and aerosol sprayer devices.

Click here for the Evergreen Aerosol delivery patent


Patent highlights

“The aerial Delivery system can be used to fight fires, chemical decontamination, weather modification, to treat oil spill contamination, and other uses.”
“The aerial delivery system can drop about 25,000 pounds of fluid in approximately 5 seconds”
“The aerial delivery system has the capability to premix materials, mix materials on-board or disperse two different materials separately. “
“The system’s load has the ability to be dispersed in segmented drops or at one time.”
Evergreen Air 747 Supertanker Promotional Video

Video Summary: The Evergreen 747 Supertanker:

is designed for segmented drops, 3 hour loiter time and 5,000 mile range.
is able to arrive anywhere in CONUS in less than 2.5 hours.
can re-fuel and re-fill mission-specific chemical agent(s) at any one of 50 US military bases.
can be refueled at 6 strategic US military bases to drop nearly 90,000 pounds of chemicals – in segmented drops – in 16 hours.
can respond to homeland security (HAMP) and environmental concerns at a moments notice.
can drop up to 24,000 pounds of chemical neutralizers.
can neutralize a chemical or biological attack on a major population center or military installment.
features a versatile tank system and nozzle configurations to allow different agents to be disbursed at multiple pressures all depending on a mission-specific circumstance.
with it’s large size – allows room for an aerial command and control post giving and agency tasked with managing response tactics a secure, birds-eye operational base.
is also an ideal tool for oil-spill containment and disbursal with large drop capabilities and a versatile chemical agent delivery system.

An Evergreen Air 747 Supertanker can re-fuel and re-fill disbursal tanks with mission specific chemical agents at any of the 50 military bases in the CONUS.

Click to ZOOM

Evergreen’s photo album once included a scenario demonstrating a fleet of supertankers spraying aerosols over New York City. This photo was removed from the site in 2012.
Related Links

Another concept involves aircraft dropping… “thousands of tons of a water-absorbing powder (Dyn-O-Gel) onto a hurricane to extract moisture from rain clouds.
Dyn-O-Mat’s founder and CEO, Peter Cordani, has already arranged to lease a specially rigged 747 “supertanker” to conduct trials on actual hurricanes” – PopSci – 11/2005

Evergreen Air B-747 Tanker Missing in Action Not Fighting Colorado Fires

Evergreen Patent for Delivery of Aerosols

Fire-fighting competition from “10 Tanker Air Carrier” in Aug, 2012 even though USFS has not contracted with fist bidder, Evergreen Air. Curiously, 10TankerAir is seeking and exclusive contract.

In 2009 Los Angeles calls Evergreen 747 Supertanker to put out the fire but still no contract with US Forest Service in 2012 to contain numerous, deadly wildfires.


Chemtrails and Chembombs

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Chem-Bombs Dominate Chemtrails in Covert Climate Engineering
Chem-Bombs Dominate Chemtrails in Covert Climate Engineering
In “Chemtrail”
Jet Aircraft Aerosol Geoengineering Emissions Deployed as Trails and Plumes
Jet Aircraft Aerosol Geoengineering Emissions Deployed as Trails and Plumes
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IPCC Using Climate Engineering as Global Warming Illusion
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