Which came first? The chicken or the egg?  It’s an age old question, but we know God in His infinite wisdom made them both.

My family ate both chicken and eggs.  It was our culture, coming from a farming island like Jersey.   However, I have radically changed my lifestyle for compassionate and also health reasons!

I will still eat an egg from a genuinely free range chicken.  But since I reverted to God’s creation diet I DON’T eat dead animals OR factory farmed animal produce.  The battery hens are kept 20,000 in one hut.  If just ONE door is open to the fresh air, these eggs can be labelled FREE RANGE in many countries.

Do you know how cruel farming practices are?   Did you know that a hen normally lays 30 eggs a year, but is now forced to lay 300?  That’s giving birth to a baby every 26 hours?

For the mothers amongst us, that really makes our eyes water, doesn’t it.   And apart from the physical effort of pushing out an egg every 26 hours, the hen loses so MUCH calcium and other minerals with each birth that they die at 18 months, instead of living their normal 10-20 years.  Many die BEFORE 18 months, due to the weight of their over fed bodies breaking their delicate legs. Farmers call that “cage fatigue” as the hens struggle to move on the wired floor to the cages, which tear their delicate feet.

Hens only have one exit to their bodies.  It’s called the CLIACO and this is the channel used for faeces, urine and egg. Eggs can get stuck in the tube, so the hen dies in agony, like a woman in childbirth.

If you have ever kept chickens, you know they are intelligent creatures.  They are sensitive.  They feel physical pain.. and they also feel grief as their babies – their eggs – are constantly stolen from them.

Very few of the public ever see the inside of a chicken farm.  The huts stink of faeces and ammonia. The baby chicks live a life of torment from the moment they are born. The females are brutally de-beaked at birth. The males are ground up alive or piled into black bags to smother.  The females are put into wire cages where they cannot TURN or flap their wings.   As well as torn feet, they suffer from eye and breathing infections.  Farmers entering the hut wear goggles, protective clothing, boots and breathing apparatus

Then there is a horrible practice called the “forced moult.”   The farmers starve the hens of water and feed to facilitate a FORCED MOULT. This has been found to make the hens more fertile. After a few more months of laying, the SPENT hens are then gassed and used to make our canned chicken soup.  No wonder we get salmonella from chickens, and so many die from heart disease associated with eating dead animals and their produce.  The chicken and the egg?  No thanks, I prefer to stick to God’s wonderful, cruelty free diet of herbs, vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts and green plant…  It’s a COMPASSIONATE diet, and it’s a healthy diet, GODS WAY.   Amen.

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