Dr. Joanna Budwig’s Creamy Yoghurt Dressing

by | Aug 9, 2015 | Get Well Stay Well, Recipes, Spain




The Dr. Joanna Budwig Clinic in Spain allows some yoghurt and cottage cheese for their patients.

For patients who want to go that route,  here is a gorgeous creamy dressing for your salad!



1 cup of creamy yoghurt

1 cup of unsalted cottage cheese

a quarter cup of fresh lemon juice

2 teaspoons of Stevia

1 clove of crushed garlic

a quarter teaspoon of dill, tarragon or marjoram.

a quarter cup of chives or green onions chopped finely

2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil


blend the yoghurt, cottage cheese, lemon juice, stevia and garlic until smooth.  Add the herbs and chives.

Add more yoghurt if necessary, to thin down the dressing.   Chill before serving.

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