She hosted dinner parties for my father’s stockbroking clients and took up golf becoming a 12 handicapper with three holes in one under her belt, including one at the famous 7th hole at Vale do Lobo over a double ravine cliff-face dropping away to the beach far below. She became skilled at whatever she threw herself into.
She was a co-organiser of the Pro-Am golf days in the 1980’s at the Royal Jersey Golf Club which saw 44 of the leading professional lady golfers of the day attend the island and play in a mixed four ball with one professional and three amateurs per team.
She also lobbied for and helped secured voting rights for lady members of the Golf Club.
She was a well decorated player winning a score of events, including with my father Alan, the Gill Chalices (donated by her own parents) and the Thompson Trophy in 1980. She also won other titles such as, the Hole in One Golf Society, World Champion Lady Winner in 1998 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in the USA and she was the Algarve Masters Lady Winner in 1995, ‘98 and ‘99 with the same Society.
She was also interested in greens of a different nature – namely vegetables cooked specifically to no more than 65 degrees C to maintain the living enzymes which help our body’s immunity system remain strong.
She became a Reiki Master in 1996 in Portugal becoming familiar with the ancient art of non-invasive touch therapy.
She also became a member of the Royal Society of Medicine and… through her second husband Bernard, (who flew Catalina flying boats in the Second World War) …a Senior Associate member of the Special Forces Club in Wimpole Street in London where she used to give health related presentations.

She had a degree of captaincy too. Not just as Lady Captain of the Royal Jersey Golf Club for 1986 and 1987 but as captain of her destiny.
She wanted to embrace and pursue things. Instead of merely taking an interest in religion she became a Doctor in theology and a Reverend! She performed funeral services in this very church… although in fact she “hated funerals.” As were her high standards, she wanted this service to be “the most cheerful and encouraging thanksgiving service you have ever been to.”
She added in her own funeral guidelines “I’d like the service to be a heartfelt thanks to God for guiding me through salvation in Jesus. For healing me from pancreatic cancer in 2003 to enable me to write my book “God’s Healing Word.” A complimentary copy of this book was handed to you on arrival – please read with Mum’s blessing.
She was grateful for traveling the world including to Goa to see Benny Hinn Ministries in action and listen to Deepak Chopra who theorized on spirituality and our natural laws governing all of creation. She visited New Zealand, South Africa, most of Asia, New York, Bermuda and much of Europe.
She was also grateful for the opportunity to make 8 years of three a week TV programs on Revelation TV as we will hear more about during the video tribute which will follow. They will sorely miss her as will the viewers and her 7,000 subscribers all around the world who received her weekly newsletters.