Felicity in London Saturday 19th July 2014 – Private Reunion at the Royal Society of Medicine

by | Jun 13, 2014 | Around The World, Article, Healing

In response to so many viewers who want to come to one of my meetings, but cannot travel to Jersey or Spain.

This is a small private meeting, from 11 am to 6 pm at my London Club, admission by £50 ticket only, as travel and hiring rooms are expensive.   Tickets are ONLY available by first e mailing Felicity for availability.

I shall be talking about the Integrated Health Conference I have just attended in San Diego, USA, and getting well and staying well in general.

So many of you with pain, insomnia and energy problems  have been intrigued by the patches I talk about on the live programs.  A Danish woman doctor friend, who has been using the patches in her medical practice for some years now,  is also coming to explain the patches that are revolutionising health care worldwide.

Different patches have been developed in San Diego for US Special Forces for energy and endurance.   I have given them power trials of my own and am seriously impressed for chronic fatigue patients.     There are  now also patches for chronic pain, insomnia, inflammation, hormone balance, energy, easier breathing, memory loss and premature ageing.

The testimonies are impressive.  The patches are drug free, and needle free.    Not available to the public, they work on the energy meridians on the body, are completely non invasive.   I absolutely love them.  Pernille and I will be doing some training for those of you who want to use the patches.

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