Felicity’s Amazing Healthy Fry Up

by | May 31, 2016 | Around The World, Article, Recipes

2 medium courgettes
2 organic eggs
1 onion
1 tsp Himalayan rock salt
4 potatoes
1/4 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
1/2 tsp pepper
Dash of paprika
Dash of mustard powder
Coconut oil
Handful of chives
1 extra organic egg for each person to be served. Fry and put on top
Halved baby tomatoes for frying and garnishing the fry-up

Warm the oven
Grate the courgettes, potatoes and onion.
Put in a mixing bowl and mix in one egg. Add the dry ingredients.
Heat the coconut oil in a saute pan, and dollop in the mixture in bite sizes. Brown on both sides until crispy. Keep warm in the oven while you quickly fry the second egg and some halved baby tomatoes or each of the guests. Top with dash of pepper and a few chives. WOW!

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