Healing God’s Way – naturally – Another Vital Missing Link?

by | Nov 2, 2015 | Around The World, Article, Get Well Stay Well, Healing

I firmly believeoils and candles that God, as our Creator, gave us a garden of beautiful plants and flowers to sustain us and also to heal us.  My biblical health ministry is based on Genesis 1:29 and 30, the herbs, vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts and green plant that God tells us to eat.  No mention of meat and dairy until after sin came into the world and the Flood destroyed our plant foods.  Our punishment was death.   Only faithful Noah and his family survived.   And death has come to us now from the very meat and dairy diet we then resorted to. As always, God gives us choices!   Be faithful, come back to God’s diet and healing from his plants, in the garden.

God’s vegan diet is now scientifically proven to heal ALL disease, when people are radical.   God is always right, if only we have the humility and obedience to follow His Word.    Dr. Max Gerson was curing patients back in the 1940’s on detox and restoration of living enzymes in the diet.   Dynamic young Dr. Patrick Vickers of the Northern Baja Gerson Treatment Centre is curing patients the same way today.   He and I both featured in the life changing 9 episode Docu Series The Truth About Cancer”  which was launched worldwide on the internet, in October 2015.

But I think there is yet another link.    Ezekiel 47:5 says the fruit is for our food, and the leaves are for our healing.  I believe this is the Essential Oils from the plants, which heal us when we anoint the skin with them, ingest them and inhale them.   Hippocrates,  the Greek father of medicine,  who lived 400 years BC, was using detox bathing and the anointing of oils for healing.   Revelation 22.2 clearly tells us the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations.   The life blood of the leaves is chlorophyll, which is almost the same as our life blood, haemoglobin.     When we anoint, ingest and inhale pure organic plants, we heal.

The third link is, I believe,  spiritual disobedience.   We have started worshipping chemical medicine instead of God.   I believe this is the reason why, despite prayer,  thousands are dying EVERY DAY in our hospitals from polluted, chemical, counterfeit, GM foods and drink, negative thought, and chemical drug-related heart disease, cancer and auto immune disease.    We are being poisoned in body, mind and spirit.

The secular world has trusted the medical “experts” and treated them like gods.   The”gods” in the White Coats, who have been hi jacked by Big Pharma.   For the patients it is the temptation of the quick fix, without cleansing our lifestyles and returning to God.   For Big Pharma, it is mega lucrative, and worth more even than the War industry, in which they start wars and always arm both sides.    As always, it is the naive, trusting public, both soldiers and civilians, who suffer and die.

Something is very, very wrong.   As always, we must go back to God’s Word for the truth.

The book of James 5:14 tells us “Is anyone among you sick?   He should call the elders of the church to PRAY OVER HIM and ANOINT HIM WITH OIL in the Name of the Lord.

Remember, Ezekiel 47.12 says the fruit was for our food, and the leaves for our healing.

Remember, Revelation 22.2 again tells us the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations.

The books of Numbers, Leviticus, Kings, Samuel, Chronicles, Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah , Hebrews, Esther, Song of Solomon, Mark, John, Corinthians, Ephesians and James also point us to the healing OILS of certain plants.  In all, 39 different species of oil are mentioned 500 times.

Just as plants feed us with their life blood of chlorophyll, their leaves anoint us with their life blood of oils.   The molecules of these plants are nano-particulate  in size.   Therefore unlike other foods and oils, they can cross the blood brain barrier, and heal us physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.  Thus they also raise the electro magnetic frequencies of our body.  I am writing more about this fascinating fact in my Partner Learning Zone.   This is how our emotions are healed at the deepest level.

Once again, as with the minerals, I have been led by my own prayer, and the prayers of Revelation viewers, to another part of God’s Healing Word… the essential oils.   They have an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) which stops cancer in its tracks, and also rebuilds the immune system by re-oxygenating our cells.   Cancer cannot survive in an alkalised, oxygenated environment.

The oils can be anointed on the skin, inhaled and also ingested, diluted in pure waters.   What a safe, non toxic, inexpensive way to heal the body.   Although they work on their own, it is when we PRAY as we anoint and are anointed, that makes the exponential difference.

However, these oils have to be 100% pure.  This is why I am using Young Living Essential Oils.    I do not sell these oils, but I use them myself, and if you want to sign up to buy them for yourself, you can do so on my Young Living number, 3313471.   You can also phone them in Cambridgeshire on 01 480 710032.    I suggest you buy one of their Starter Packs,  which contain ten modern oils, or the more expensive 12 Oils of Ancient Scripture, and read a book by Dr. David Stewart PhD “Healing Oils of the Bible” to do your own research.

The Essential Oils are enthusiastically advocated by several doctors and cured brain cancer patients in Ty Bollinger’s epic series “The Truth About Cancer.”  Just see how Frankincense Oil healed several people of brain cancer, mouth and tongue cancers which are notoriously difficult to treat.   These patients anointed themselves, put a drop of the precious oils on the tongue, and high up in the nostrils, in order to get as near to the brain and the cancer cells, as they could.    And they healed.   Completely.     Take a look at Ty’s docu series.   Like a good Berean, judge for yourself.

The manufacturers of essential oils are banned by Big Pharma from claiming healing from these God given plants, as Big Pharma wants us to use their synthetic drugs instead, which they can patent and so make a great deal of money. So it is illegal to say anything natural heals.  Therefore you will never see claims for healing on the essential oil bottles. Or organic fruit and vegetables, for that matter! 

Big Pharma will probably make prayer illegal next!   It is already happening.   Be aware.

And there we are…. this information has been available to us in God’s Word for thousands of years.   We just have to read it, meditate on it and act on it.    Thank you Lord, for Your Healing Word.   lavenderOil







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