Holistic Dentistry

by | Apr 24, 2015 | Around The World, TV program

I have just had another brilliant dentist on my Get Well course. He is actually a dentist who lectures to ordinary dentists on the latest holistic techniques. What a joy to meet these Christian doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists who are moving into the latest integrative health information.

For those who wish to get rid of their amalgam fillings, he makes these recommdations:

1. The patient should receive Spirulina or Chlorella tablets before and after the procedure. This is to help protect the body from the very heavy metals that will be released.
2. A proper treatment plan should be in place to decide on how the procedure should be executed – also what material should be used as a replacement etc.
3. The procedures should be done under rubber dam isolation.
4. Strong high volume (big tip) suction should be available. – to get rid of the deadly mercury fumes.
5. The patient should be able to breath clean air – therefore an attachment like a nose mask should be in place – this must be connected to an oxygen tank or a pipe extended to go out through the window. This can be removed after all the amalgam has been removed. Ventilate the room properly as well after the removal procedure.
6. The patient should have protected glasses fitted for eye protection.
7. The dentist should use a sharp (new) metal cutting bur in the air rotor.
8. After the removal procedure the patient should rinse very well with ample amounts of distilled water.
9. The dentist and the assistant should also be protected with the normal protection like masks, gloves and eye protection etc.

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