Intelligent, International Action against chem trails

by | Feb 6, 2017 | Around The World, Article, Get Well Stay Well, Healing

G Edward Griffin is one of the great intellects of our time and an American “watchman on the walls.” He told the world about B17 which saved my life from cancer in 2003. Now he addresses the chem tail problem and is forming a Coalition against Chemtrails.

These are his thoughts. Copied with permission, from his website. www.CoalitionAgainstGeoEngineering,org.

Because geoengineering programs are designed to change our planet’s temperature and manipulate our weather they, without a doubt, are causing most of the recent changes in our climate.While there is no consensus in the scientific community, the IPCC and other powerful organizations have chosen to identify Co2 as the primary cause, if not the only cause, of disruptions in our climate.There are no climate models that include what we believe to be the largest factor in our changing weather patterns (geoengineering.) This makes all climate models flawed and, in some cases, fraudulent when developed by individuals who are aware of ongoing geoengineering programs.

The Hegelian Dialectic; Problem, Reaction, Solution
Create the problem (droughts, floods, temperature fluctuations and other conditions leading to climate change) by geoengineering the planet.Reaction Gain public support by convincing the public that changes in our climate and weather are caused by Co2 Solution Tell the public that cutting back on Co2 emissions through taxation and control by a global authority is the solution to the problem. Because only a small percentage of the world population is aware of geoengineering programs and their effect on our climate, the global elite expects that most people will believe the Co2 argument and accept cap and trade and other oppressive schemes in order to solve the artificially created problem.Do to this, and because we can prove (through various atmospheric and other tests) that geoengineering has been occurring for several years and is not included in any climate models, we have the ability to prove that the change agenda is fraudulent and creates monetary and other damages to billions of people around the world.Therefore, we are collecting the names of potential plaintiffs for a class action lawsuit. We feel that this is the most effective way to stop geoengineering.

Also, because the climate change agenda, if passed, will take this and other related legislation out of the jurisdiction of the US and other countries, it is likely that once passed, geoengineering will be legalized and thus, remove our legislators ability to address this by taking it out of their jurisdiction. If we allow this to happen it will make it exponentially more challenging to stop geoengineering. Also, because the Trans Pacific Partnership is expected to create Global Tribunals formed by corporations, it is likely that any legal proceedings related to geoengineering will have to go through this court system which are designed to protect the interests of corporations at the expense of human and other life on our planet.

What Is The Solution??

x578 Because there is no doubt that geoengineering is responsible for most of the changes in our climate, it is essential that we take action now and demand that global geoengineering programs be stopped and that all climate talks and proposed legislation are immediately halted.In the next few weeks, the Coalition Against Geoengineering will be initiating several calls to action by initiating specific projects that address this most important issue.

Now go to YouTube to see Edward Griffin’s 90 minute film “What in the World Are They Spraying”. There are shorter versions too, but if you are passionate about saving the planet, spend the time to do this vital research.

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