Biblically, the fig tree is our guide to the End Times. It represents the people of Israel, God´s chosen people, and their response to Him.
When Jesus was on his way from Bethany up to Jerusalem for the last time, Matthew tells us he went to pick a fruit from a fig tree that was in leaf.
But when he reached into the tree, it bore nothing but showy leaves. He cursed the tree for not bearing the fruit it should, and His disciples were shocked to see the fig tree wither completely within a day. The cursed fig tree symbolises religious leaders who blasphemed the Holy Spirit by not recognising Jesus as the Messiah.
But God has had a covenant with the faithful Jewish people since the time of Abraham, and has NOT deserted them for ever, even if some of them have deserted Him. In 1948 the state of Israel was born and as prophesied, thousands of years ago, millions of Jews are returning to their homeland. Many are coming to believe that Jesus was and is the Messiah.
I had the huge privilege of evangelising in Israel a few years ago with 1,500 other Christian partners of Benny Hinn Ministries from all over the world. He is Greek, but was born in Tel Aviv, and returned to hold a huge crusade there.
He reaches millions a day through his TV show, This Is Your Day. That night, we had ten thousand Israelis in one service in a sports stadium. Like people the world over, they are spiritually hungry, and many came forward to give their lives to Jesus.
The Bible tells us that when we bless the Jews and pray for Jerusalem, we too will be blessed. They are our elder brothers in faith, and we, the Gentiles, are only grafted in as believers for a window of time due to God´s mercy. The Gospel will be preached through all the world so that all may come to faith, and after that the end will come unexpectedly and dramatically. We shall all be judged, and as the saintly Mother Teresa said, ALL of us have sinned. Only by believing in Jesus as our Advocate we are saved through His Blood, his cross and his sacrifice. Your Jersey advocate just won’t do!
And things are happening fast! There are wars and rumours of wars, and earthquakes and disasters as never before, as prophesied.
The Gospel is being preached worldwide on the internet and through Revelation TV and other Christian satellite stations. Many Rabbi´s now believe Jesus is the Messiah. You may say that you don´t believe, and don´t even give a fig, but next time you see a fig tree in bloom, bearing its delicious fruit, ask yourself where YOU will spend eternity. What I have said is Gospel Truth. Check it out in the Good Book! Your life depends on it.
I hope to see you in the Kingdom…