Colloidal Silver 250ml Bottle 10-20PPM

Colloidal Silver Colloidal Silver – 10-20 PPM  (parts per million) . We have been supplying the Highest Quality Silver since our incarnation. Colloidal Silver is the description used to describe very tiny silver particles suspended in a liquid. Given their tiny size, a usual filtering process wouldn’t remove these particles. Before the development of modern antibiotics, Colloidal Silver was used by millions as an all-purpose medicine for a number of ailments and infections. Silver has an impressive history in natural health. Recently, Colloidal Silver rightfully has seen a revival in popularity, with some reputable herbalists and health specialists claiming it can as good as antibiotics or other medical therapies to help treat fungal, viral and bacterial infections. We invite you to do your research and draw your own conclusions on Silver. Historically part of the Beck Protocol, Colloidol Silver is now a natural choice for cleaning around the house. Our Silver is produced from 99.9%25 Pure Silver rods. We’ve supplied it for you in a 250ml Travel bottle in Miron Glass for extra light protection (safe outisde) and 500ml in dark amber bottle to protect it from light found more indoors. The cost of Miron Glass is higher hence the price difference, you could buy the 250ml bottle as a refill.


Colloidal Silver 10-20 PPM (parts per million) . We have been supplying the Highest Quality Silver since our incarnation. Colloidal Silver is the description used to describe very tiny silver particles suspended in a liquid. Given their tiny size, a usual filtering process wouldn’t remove these particles. Before the development of modern antibiotics, Colloidal Silver was used by millions as an all-purpose medicine for a number of ailments and infections. Silver has an impressive history in natural health. Recently, Colloidal Silver rightfully has seen a revival in popularity, with some reputable herbalists and health specialists claiming it can as good as antibiotics or other medical therapies to help treat fungal, viral and bacterial infections. We invite you to do your research and draw your own conclusions on Silver. Historically part of the Beck Protocol, Colloidol Silver is now a natural choice for cleaning around the house. Our Silver is produced from 99.9%25 Pure Silver rods. We’ve supplied it for you in a 250ml Travel bottle in Miron Glass for extra light protection (safe outisde) and 500ml in dark amber bottle to protect it from light found more indoors. The cost of Miron Glass is higher hence the price difference, you could buy the 250ml bottle as a refill. Colloidal Silver 250ml Bottle 99.9%25 pure silver particles & distilled water  Glass bottle