Genesis 2:7 tells us that at creation, the Lord God formed us from minerals and breathed LIFE into us.
From first to last breath, our most critical need is for clean air to oxygenate our lungs and every cell through the exchange of air gases in the lungs and circulation of blood throughout the body.
The Bible tells us the life IS in the Blood.
The best places on earth to breathe are by plants and trees, which give us oxygen. Notice the symbiotic relationship we have with our environment!

Breath of Life
We breathe in oxygen, breathe out carbon dioxide, the plant world breathes in our carbon dioxide and exhales oxygen for us to breathe. We are part of the symphony of life with our environment and we destroy it at our peril.
Also note that we breathe well by the sea, which gives us negative ions which relax us. We also use negative ions in ionic foot baths to heal us.
Double Nobel Laureate Dr Otto Warburg proved in the 1930’s that cancer only starts to grow in cells that have become anaerobic – de- oxygenated. So Warburg advocated the raw diet which contains oxygen as well as hydrogen in living enzymes.
Both these vital constituents are destroyed by cooking our food, causing leucocytosis, a rush of white blood cells to destroy “the invader” in the body. Therefore it is raw food that sustains us, cooked food leads to death.
Man had known since creation that the best way of controlling our mental, physical and spiritual health is with our breathing.
We should always breathe IN through the nose, which is designed with small hair-like filaments called cilia to filter the air, and warm it so it does not harm our lungs. Then we should breathe out slowly and forcefully, through almost closed lips, as though we were blowing out candles on a birthday cake.
Men and women were originally farmers and fishers, who worked physically in the fresh air. So we breathed deeply on exertion, and oxygenated our bodies which calmed our minds. This is why people still love walking in nature and breathing forest, sea, country and mountain air.
But since the industrialised revolution, we have started to breathe polluted air, and in the last fifty years life has changed as we sit in front of TV’s and computer screens.
Avoid smoking and all second hand smoking. Refuse to stay anywhere where you are breathing stale smoke or stale air. The toxicity is cumulative and will shorten your life.
We can however boost of oxygen intake and re-oxygenate by doing breathing exercises in fresh air.
To empty the lungs of toxicity, breathe out with Bashistra breathing, employing many repeated short, explosive, forceful outbreaths from one in-breath. Repeat until both lungs are absolutely empty. Then inhale and you will probably find you can clear phlegm.
Now stand with feet apart, knees loose, swing arms up, with bent elbows, breathing thru NOSE.
Then, rhythmically, swing the arms back down behind you as fast and as far and fast as possible, breathing OUT thru pursed lips. Start with 10 times and repeat ten times on rising, to re-oxygenate the body.
Repeat several times during the day. This will restore healthy function to the lungs and so re-oxygenate the red blood cells throughout the body. This is itself, is chemotherapy for cancer, without the side effects.
- Stand or sit for these exercises, depending on your health.
Ideally stand with arms by your sides, palms out. Lift the arms slowly up to the ears, and back down to the sides. Breathe in thro nose, breathe out forcefully thru the mouth. Do a set of 10. - Breathe IN and stretch arms out in front of you at shoulder height. Then breathe OUT swinging straight back at shoulder level and if this is difficult, angled down at hip height. Inhale thru nose, out thru mouth.
- With mouth closed, sniff in and out fast through the nose to strengthen the diaphragm muscle. This diaphragm muscle should expand DOWN into the abdomen on breathing IN, and contract sharply UP on breathing OUT. This strengthens the muscles and encourages the practice of abdominal breathing instead of shallow upper chest breathing. Start 15 times. Build to 1 minute.
- Place fists on the shoulders or in the air, and make circles with the elbows. Inhale as shoulders rise, exhale as shoulders fall.
- Shrug the shoulders up and down, arms hanging by the sides. The palms are facing out, the shoulders are rolled up to the ears and backwards ten times, then do ten rising from the back and rolling forward. Inhale on upward movement, exhale on down.
- Chest Fly or Chicken Wings with hand by ears OR interlocked fingers behind head. Bring the elbows forward and back, breathing in and then out.
- Stirring the Pot with prayer hands or holding imaginary spoon.
Inhale, exhale, make WIDE circles ten times to the right, then ten times to the left.
Do 10 repeats of everything.
You can see these exercises on YouTube, being demonstrated by Lorraine Reid, a Canadian physiotherapist.
We tend to hold our breath when challenged, so we get breathless.
Retrain yourself to breathe in through the nose, out through virtually closed lips, on EACH step of a staircase. You will be amazed at the difference this makes!
Breathing muscles can become weak due to illness or weight loss. This breathlessness is frightening, but the strength can be regained with these exercises. Build up gradually, every day to restore your Breath of Life. A morning walk in the sunshine is the best exercise. Start slowly, walk more briskly as you heal your respiratory system.
Asthmatics should ALWAYS carry a Ventolin inhaler and a brown paper bag in case of sudden attack caused by trauma, smoke and other pollutants. Remember that chemicals in perfume, household sprays and cleaners trigger many asthma attacks.
Asthma attacks are mainly due to lack of water and Himalayan rock salt, inflammation from pollution, draughts and damp in the breathing tubes, and of course – STRESS – physical, chemical and emotional stress.
Avoid air conditioning like the plague! It contains chemicals!
When you get breathless, STOP and regain your breath. Don’t worry what others think, just STOP. You can pretend to be reading, looking in a shop window, or admiring a view.
Just STOP and regain your composure.
Relax, drop the shoulders and centre yourself.
Lean against a wall or sit down.
Tilt the chin down.
Take ten quick breaths in thru the mouth and out through the mouth.
Then three in through the NOSE and out through the mouth.
Slow down the breathing.
Breathe OUT through pursed lips to restore carbon dioxide balance. If you have a brown paper bag, breathe in and out of this for a few moments to rebuild carbon dioxide.
Then calmly breathe in through the nose and out though pursed lips, normally.
Do the exercises regularly to rebuild good breathing patterns.
Establish a lifetime practice of deep abdominal breathing, feeling the diaphragm expand down into the abdomen instead of shallow breathing at the top of the lungs.
At night time, tape the mouth shut with Micropore. This will prevent the mouth from opening during sleep, causing a dry mouth and also snoring. With the mouth taped, this means we have to breathe through the nose. This in itself will help clear the sinuses. You can open the nostrils further with Breathe Right plasters plastered on the nose. Not glamorous, but this works!
You can use acupressure points on the ear. Press with nails or an orange stick on the top rim at the highest point, again at the centre flat area next to the ear canal, and outer edge of the ear on the rim.
For deep congestion of the lungs you can use suction cups, available from Chinese medicine shops, on chest and back.
Take colloidal silver orally as directed, and also spray in ear, nose and throat to prevent future chest infections.
If you already have a chest infection, use a nebuliser to draw the colloidal silver deep into the lungs.
Use a salt pipe inhaler to breathe purifying salt deep into the lungs.
Buy an oxygen machine and use inside the house to keep oxygen levels high.
Take 10 Oxygen Drops in each glass of water. Remember water is H2O, so is also giving you oxygen with the hydrogen.
Live in a hot dry climate to eliminate environmental moulds in the lungs.
Do regular colonics to clear colon toxicity. Do these with my gentle Get Well Detox kit (see my website). Use warm water normally, and coffee if you have cancer, as prescribed by the Gerson Therapy which I did eleven years ago to cure my pancreatic cancer, and still practice.
Oil pull with coconut oil every morning on rising. The coconut oil is anti bacterial, anti viral, anti fungal, and anti inflammatory. Swill and swish the oil in the mouth for fifteen minutes.
This dissolves and collects plaque and bacteria in the mouth, also drains ear, nose, sinus and throat infections, and eventually draws toxins and phlegm up from the lungs.
Spit the toxic oil and saliva into tissue and into the bin. Do not spit into the basin or toilet as the coconut oil solidifies in cold under 24 degrees F, and will cause blockages. On NO ACCOUNT swallow this highly toxic mixture or you will be re-infecting yourself.
Take Vitamin and Mineral supplements, including high magnesium to relax the body, zinc and COQ10 for heart health.
Take probiotics as acidophilus, lacto bacillus high in bifidus, and eat sauerkraut which is also a probiotic.
Eat ten fresh garlic cloves a day! You can also buy deodorised garlic but it is obviously not as strong.
Drink an eight oz glass of pure water every waking hour with added oxygen drops.
Dry skin brush vigorously with firm brush, bath and do aromatherapy with magnesium oil every night before sleeping.
Drink and also implant rectally, wheatgrass which contains all vitamins and minerals including 92 trace minerals, including B17, and heals lesions in the lungs.
Melt three Hepar Sulph 30 homeopathic tablets under the tongue to prevent colds developing. Weleda make a good one.
Inhale with essential oils of eucalyptus, cinnamon, clove and thyme, used in monastery gardens for thousands of years.
Drink hot water with lemon, fresh root ginger and fresh mint as your hot drink instead of caffeinated drinks that cause toxicity, dehydration and adrenal fatigue.
Drink Essiac Tea, which contains burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm, watercress, Turkish rhubarb root, kelp, Blessed Thistle and Red Clover.
Drink the GREEN JUICES based on cucumber and celery four times a day to oxygenate and alkalise the body. At separate times during the day add rainbow juices of tangerine, grapefruit, pineapple, beetroot, carrot and apple.
Adopt the candida free diet (no acids, no sugar, no alcohol, no meat and dairy, no chocolate, no chemical and processed foods), as they acidify and make toxic mucous in the body.
Learn Buteyo breathing from a professional teacher.
Keep the body slim and detoxed with daily Epsom salts to cleanse the digestive system and restore magnesium levels. Also bath in solution of Epsom or Dead Sea salts.
Listen to uplifting music. Dance with others or alone with the Lord! It will keep you supple, make you graceful, give you exercise, oxygenate the body, elevate your mood and make you happy!