Segment B Treating Radiation sickness
Hi, I‘m Felicity, let’s have a GWSW moment of treating radiation sickness. Everyone who is serious about health issues knows that nuclear toxicity is still emanating from Chernobyl in Russia and Fukushima in Japan. What many people don’t know is that there has been a new fire in Reactor Four of Fukushima nuclear power plant during the first week of February 2017.
This is covered up and does not appear in mainstream media. But the internet is flooded with uncensored reports. These inform us that 530 Sieverts of radiation are being released hourly, into the air and the sea. To put this in perspective, scientists tell us that only ten Sieverts will cause us to die in three weeks of radiation sickness.
I am not airing this to frighten you but to warn you. Fore-knowledge is the only weapon we have so we can prepare for this radiation to reach us. This is a biblical catastrophe. We can see the book of Revelation unfolding before our eyes. I have children and grandchildren. It is hard to tell them this news, but how much worse NOT to warn them. All we can do is pray, and do our best.
We can prepare. We can take potassium iodide and iodine, 12.5 mg a day. We can buy oxygen so that we can breathe clean air. We can use a water distiller as this is the only way to detox our water. We can use the colonic kit several times a day.
We can take some activated charcoal, bathe in bentonite clay and also drink it. We can live on cilantro, parsley, buckwheat and sunflower sprouts that you grow indoors in a Fresh Life Sprouter. We can supplement Gingko biloba. We can use rosemary, apples, bentonite clay, and zeolite. Remember that everything that has been out in the fresh air has the radiation chemicals in it. Buy old stock from shops for items like spirulina.
Radiation sickness kills. I have no confidence that any of us will survive the amount of radiation we might be bombarded with. All I can offer is the best I know about healing temporary radiation. But of course in a real catastrophe, the radiation will not be temporary. PLEASE REMEMBER: I am not a medical doctor. NONE of these things should be used as your sole source of medical advice, nor should they be acted on without consulting your physician, if you deem it necessary. I’m just sharing what I found, so you’ll have the same information I have.
If stores in your area are out of potassium iodide tablets don’t worry. Painting on iodine or betadine will provide a good bit of protection against radioactive iodine. While not as reliable as ingesting potassium iodide (and not as thoroughly scientifically studied), your body will absorb the iodine, which will then travel to and hopefully protect your thyroid.
Purchase a bottle of 2% tincture of iodine or Betadine at your local drugstore (you may have to ask for it at the pharmacy). Paint about 2 ml or so on your abdomen (a little less for children) and allow your skin to soak it in. Do this daily until the iodine remains a reddish-orange color on your skin (doesn’t fade). When it stops fading, it means your body has enough iodine. However, if you’re consistently exposed to radiation, you’ll want to keep painting on the iodine every day.
DO NOT DRINK IODINE OR BETADINE. Neither of these things should ever be ingested. Also, avoid them if you have an allergy to iodine (which you most likely do if you’re allergic to shellfish).The good news is, your body naturally needs iodine, so this will serve a health benefit. (Iodine helps regulate the thyroid, helps the health of skin and hair, helps with energy.)
However, the only thing potassium iodide and iodine does is protect your thyroid against radioactive iodine. That’s it. They fill up your thyroid and disallow the radioactive iodine to infiltrate and cause health problems and cancer down the road.
So while it’s nice to have either potassium iodide or iodine, it’s not only radioactive iodine that’s potentially going to be floating through the jet stream. It can be caesium, aluminium, barium, strontium as well. If you have a thyroid issue, check with your doctor before taking iodine.
You can purchase dried/powdered kelp, spirulina, and blue-green algae at most natural food stores. In Chernobyl, for instance, spirulina was used to help save many children from radiation poisoning. By taking 5 grams of spirulina a day for 45 days, the Institute of Radiation Medicine in Minsk even proved that children on this protocol experienced enhanced immune systems, T-cell counts and reduced radioactivity.
Israeli scientists have since treated Chernobyl children with doses of natural beta carotene from Dunaliella algae and proved that it helped normalize their blood chemistry. Chlorella algae, a known immune system builder and heavy metal detoxifier, has also shown radio-protective effects. Because they bind heavy metals, algae should therefore be consumed after exposure to any type of radioactive contamination
Protective and Detoxifying Herbs include Cilantro, which removes heavy metals from the blood stream. Make pesto with it. Eat fresh or dried rosemary. You can also find rosemary extract or tincture in just about any natural health food store.
Supplement Ginkgo Biloba and Ginseng. Drink a teaspoon a day of bentonite clay. Drink Miso soup, which includes kelp and mushrooms. Take a bath of Borax, with 1/8 c. borax mixed in the water. It’s actually a fantastic skin softener, so you’re not hurting anything. Let yourself air dry, as to not wipe off all the borax.
Activated charcoal, taken internally, removes toxins and poisons from the body. In fact, it’s kept in nearly all emergency rooms at this point to help mitigate the effects of poisoning. d stores. Please note, activated charcoal and charcoal briquettes are two vastly different things. Please do not eat your barbecue charcoal!
Try and find Geiger counter results for your nation on the web. You can monitor the latest radiation levels (currently, there doesn’t appear to be all that many stations) as they increase or decrease.
Thanks to many sources, American and Russian, for this up to date information. I do pray that these ideas will help us in these dangerous times. God Bless and Save us All, Lord.
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