Integrated Health International Conference in San Diego March 2015
What IS Integrated Health?
It is a way of healing the immune system naturally, by combining multi-factorial natural healing medicine with the the best of modern surgical techniques, and in rare emergency cases, where it is vital to save a life quickly, even some personalised insulin potentiated chemotherapy and small amounts of radiation when required. This is done to give the immune system enough TIME to rebuild itself.
However the best results are found when ONLY natural treatments are given.
Last week, I flew to USA to interview the world’s top Integrated Health doctors, and we visited and filmed the top Integrated Health Hospitals and Clinics in Mexico. Why Mexico?
Because Mexico is free from the greedy clutches of Big Pharma who make billions of dollars annually out of damaging chemo, radiation and literally thousands of toxic drugs. Big Pharma bans natural cures as they cannot patent them to make even more money!
It is Mexico where the essence of apricot kernels is given intravenously and perfectly legally, as it should be. The essence of the apricot kernel kills cancer cells on contact, without harming healthy cells! Used in conjunction with the Genesis 1:29 and 30 phyto nutrient diet, colonics and other natural remedies, God’s humble little golden apricot has been healing cancers for thousands of years, and is now in an intravenous form called laetrile, classified as Vitamin B17.
Our western diet has made us deficient in this vitamin, and many other natural nutrients. This is the cause of most of our diseases. When I had a diagnosis in three countries of cancer in the head of my pancreas in 2003, I had thirteen intravenous treatments of Laetrile and took the apricot kernel tablets for two years. The tumour reduced to a scar in eight months. I am living testimony of this protocol! I am now fitter at 74 than I was in my youth!
I am convinced my own beautiful and brave daughter, who died of chemo in 1989, would be alive today if the we had had this information. This is what fires my ministry to reveal the truth.
Having to do everything on a shoestring budget, William and I traveled by train to Madrid the night before, to catch the flight to America the following morning. We were given hospitality by dear friends who are pastors in Madrid, Colombian Leopoldo and American Rene Lobo.
They drove us to the Barajas Airport in Madrid where we had a tough time in Security with our cameras, tripods and studio lights! The fact that William is Ugandan, lives in both London and Spain, and I come from a small island called Jersey which is not in the EU, and stay in Spain several months of the year, appeared to be totally confusing to the girls checking us in. Our bags were searched several times.
The flight was quite turbulent but we arrived in Philadelphia on time, and had to wait an hour for the bags to clear US customs…. by then we were late for our plane to San Diego, where Dr. Patrick was waiting to pick us up. I was too breathless to run for the plane. So William went ahead I sought help from a kind wheelchair attendant, and arrived at the gate in style… where they allowed us to board at the last minute. We were of course in the cheapest seats once again, which were surprisingly comfortable!
On arrival in San Diego, Dr. Patrick packed our seven pieces of luggage into his People Carrier, and we spent two days filming the Northern Baja Gerson Centre therapies, meeting the patients, giving my encouraging Gerson testimony and drinking the delicious juices and food made by Patrick’s smiling Mexican team.
We were then driven by a Mexican oncologist to the Oasis of Hope in Tijuana, where we were hosted by Dr. Francisco Contreras. I was greeted as an old friend by the doctors and staff. We met a Revelation viewer who was being treated in the hospital and once again I shared my healing testimony and filmed Dr. Contreras and others in the beautiful chapel. This has a stone wall like the Western Wall in Jerusalem, where patients can place their prayer notes. Spiritual and emotional support is an important part of the treatment here, as well as the latest state of the art integrated regulatory treatments designed by Dr. Francisco Contreras, including the infusions of life saving Vitamin B17 and Vitamin C.
The next evening we were driven back across the Mexican border in the Oasis of Hope people carrier to the exciting Integrated Health Conference in San Diego, California. Once again, it was lovely to be welcomed by the doctors and friends I met the previous year. Although there were only 400 of us in the conference a year ago, there were 2000 this year, and another 2000 tuned in on webinars. Two stages were used to accommodate the huge number of speakers. The information was absolutely life saving.
The Opening “Celebrity” International Dinner was a fun affair, we were sitting with a French doctor and his team.
I am hoping some of my Get Well Family will accompany us for the conference next year! The venue may well be San Diego again. We also spent hours filming the great exhibition hall, with hundreds of new techniques being displayed. I was particularly interested in the hyperbaric, ozone and electro magnetic therapies and new scanning devices.
Nathan Crane, the dynamic Conference CEO, Director and film maker, is hoping to bring the Conference to London and Singapore at some time in the future, as this wonderful health movement grows. He is making a feature film later this year, which will include my healing testimony.
We interviewed many doctors including the lovely Dr. Veronique Desaulniers of “Healing Breast Cancer Naturally”, Marcus Freudenmann, author and film maker of “Cancer is Curable NOW”, Chris Wark the cancer survivor, and others. It was a joy to meet up with my dear friends Paul and Ann Malkmus of the Hallelujah Diet. I had trained as a Health Minister at Hallelujah Acres many years ago.
I shall be showing some of the footage on my Get Well Courses in Spain and Jersey, and also show some clips on my Get Well Stay Well Revelation TV programs, and on this website. William is busy editing right now. It is great to be back in Spain, our pastor friends have been staying a few days in the Eagles Nest, and I am now preparing my courses in Spain and Jersey in April. Come and join me in Portugal in May, June and July, or in Jersey for August and September!
Blessings, Felicity