Get Well Stay Well Banana and Pecan bread. No flour, no gluten, no indigestion! Get the...
Around The World
Here are the available posts on Around The WorldChem bombs – the exotic weapon to fear most.
Chemtrails: The Exotic Weapon Climate Change to Fear Most October 11, 2016 Chem-Bombs Dominate...
What is REALLY causing disease – Shocking exposé by one of my doctor friends
This is an article from Dr. Mark Sircus, who inspires me, and who I consult, myself. Just like...
Intelligent, International Action against chem trails
G Edward Griffin is one of the great intellects of our time and an American "watchman on the...
Hot honey, lemon and ginger drink – my signature drink!
The 3-ingredient elixir that can clear mucus from the lungs and strengthens the immune system The...
The best international tests to investigate suspected cancer
The most up to date tests are the ones you should insist on, if you think you may be developing...
Black Cumin Seed
This humble, but immensely powerful seed, kills MRSA, heals the chemical weapon poisoned body,...
Geo Engineering – the greatest ever crime against humanity
Yes, our governments are trying to kill us. Agenda 21 of the United Nations is to reduce the world...
God’s Feasts in the Old Testament fulfilled by Jesus Yeshua in the New Testament.
Question: "How did Jesus fulfil the meanings of the Jewish feasts?" Answer: The way in which Jesus...
Speaking of Trumps….
Articles Online Messages Study Helps What is the Last Trump of 1Cor 15:52? In a moment, in the...
Ketogenic Diet from The Truth About Cancer
How the Ketogenic Diet Weakens Cancer Cells By Dr. David Jockers DC, MS, CSCS How the Ketogenic...
Body temperature – are you chilly all the time?
All credit to my friend Dr. Mark Sircus, from whom I have learned so much. I came across his...