Geo Engineering – Genocide?

by | Feb 11, 2017 | America, Around The World, Article, Get Well Stay Well, Learning Zone

There is now incontrovertible evidence that the world population is being sprayed from on high with chemicals.
Call it Geo Engineering, Solar Radiation Management, Chem trails, Global Dimming, or what you will, but anyone with any intelligence who looks at our skies realises something is wrong.
Instead of blue skies and the usual cloud patterns familiar to meteorologists worldwide, our skies are very often now covered with criss cross lines. Sometimes they are a thick as a chequer board. These white streaks, very high up, emanate from the back of planes. These white streaks do not dissipate in a few seconds like normal jet condensation trails. These streaks remain in the sky, opening up into swathes of white cloud which cover the sky and blocks out the sun for hours.

The spraying is done in the day time and also at night. It is done sometimes for days on end, and other times we are back to our normal skies. Thank God. Because there is a proliferation of hospital admittances to A ad E units. People who have never had asthma or breathing issues in their lives before, are suddenly gasping for breath and having to be resucitated. This has actually happened to me, both in Spain where I make the TV programs and also in my home island of Jersey.
Both times I thought I was going to die for shortness of breath, was taken to hospital by ambulance, and both times I was treated with oxygen, steroids and bronco dilators. I was lucky enough to be able to go home within hours unlike those who actually died of respiratory failure. Many of them were young and fit people, who had never had breathing problems before.
So WHAT in the world are they spraying? That actually is the name of an excellent YouTube video made by author and one of the great thinkers of our time, G Edward Griffin. The answer is, according to laboratory analysis, nano particulates of aluminium, barium, strontium, and lithium. These are all toxic to plants, the land and the sea, to all living beings including humans.
Then we ask WHY are they spraying. The stock official answer used to be denial. But because the spraying is now so obvious, the American authorities are actually admitting it. They say it is to protect the earth from global warming. They are spraying the aluminium to reflect the sun back to itself. They say this is necessary and good.
They have actually covertly passed laws to the effect the government is now able to spray anything they want, in the interests of the country’s defence. A licence to KILL?
A growing number of health whistle blowers are now organising petitions and will not be cowered and intimidated into silence. Please do your own research. Look at Agenda 21 of the UN. You will see the elite’s plan to reduce the world population from seven billion with a B to 500 million with an M.

It is said that the American military have for 65 years now been modifying the weather in any part of the world they wish. They can cause droughts, and change weather patterns to their own advantage at will. They can spray with anything they wish, and the peoples of the world are simply lab rats.
How much longer will they get away with this spraying Which COULD be tantamount to genocide? It is ironic that USA went to war, invaded the Middle East and have brought about mayhem because of alleged weapons of mass destruction. When they themselves are in fact doing something far worse and threatening extinction of all life on the planet. But maybe it is all part of the plan.

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