Heavens Minerals and Vitamins are a God Send!

by | Aug 14, 2015 | Around The World, Article, Get Well Stay Well, Healing


Get Well Stay Well viewers who have joined me in taking the unique download (2)HeavensMinerals.com are sending me exponential testimonies of new energy, sounder sleep, reduced pain, restored eyesight, regained health, uplifted mood, mended bones, healed wounds, reduced food cravings and new slim figures….

It is tragic just HOW depleted we ALL are of minerals, because the soil is never rested, as God instructed.   Even on an optimum, organic vegan diet, men, women and children all over the world are now dangerously mineral-depleted!   This is because the soil itself has become depleted of minerals due to overuse.    Man has also destroyed any goodness left in the soil through chemical fertilisers, pesticides and untold pollution from industrial waste.

Without minerals we cannot absorb vitamins.  The result of this nutrient depletion and pollution is unprecedented proliferation of all types of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome, digestive problems, a myriad of new auto-immune diseases such as Parkinson’s and motor neurone disease, as well as depression, anxiety and STRESS.

This ethical British company makes the world’s  finest all natural all plant derived minerals and vitamin too!   These products are not for sale in chemists or health food shops.   There is a obviously a finite supply of these ancient Garden of Eden nutrients, and they are only being used by a few intelligent people introduced by friends.   You can sign up as a customer by clicking here:  www.HeavensMinerals.com


If you want to go the extra mile and SHARE the good news with friends and family, you can become a distributor, and pay for your own minerals and vitamins as I do, just click on HeavensMinerals.biz.

For those of you who want to find health and wealth, and share this education with others, you will find a new community of like minded friends.  When we first get into a newer,  healthier life style, sometimes our old friends are not as quick as us to understand the necessity of changing their lifestyle.   We need to meet like-minded folk!  Distributing the minerals is a fun way of building a whole team of forward thinking, intelligent friends.

You don’t have to sell anything.   You don’t have to carry stock, or do the postage!   You just spread the word in conversation!

Believe me, when you experience the health benefits I am seeing, you wont be able to keep quiet about these minerals and vitamins!  The company is continually bringing out new products.   Check out the new veggie caps, the powdered minerals, the Mega C with all natural Riboflavins, Krill Oil, and the pet minerals which are being woofed up!   New products are being added all the time.

For those who are shy, we can simply hand out or  post brochures like this to friends and anyone else who is interested in improving their health, at ANY AGE.  All you have to say is you value their opinion, and what do they think about this information.   If you are with them, you can also give them a sizzling mineral drink to try.   People love the variety of cherry, orange, lemon and lime, and natural flavours.

Have a look at the brochures on www.HeavensMinerals.com.


The green brochure is for introduction to the mineralswpbd6392e3_06





The blue brochure is introduction to distributorshipBusinessBrochure





In my experience, this opportunity for health and wealth includes everyone, irrespective of gender, race or age!   We all need to optimise our health!

And everyone wants to help their family and friends,  make new friends, and improve their income.  The bonus is, your monthly income will pay for your own products, as well as boost your bank balance!

A win-win situation.      There are no worries about the IT side, as the company has competent, friendly people on the end of the phone to help you once you are a client.   They will help you every step of the way if you ring 0207 993 6938 for customers, 0207 993 5302 for distributors.

Join me in this amazing, global team, helping people to Get Well and Stay Well!







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