HeavensMinerals and Vitamins
An important factor of diabetes is to try and lower the blood sugar through eating a healthy diet, but this is by no means the only way people with diabetes can help themselves.
Supplements can play a huge part in helping manage diabetes. This is mainly due to the fact that the increased glucose levels act as a diuretic which causes the body to have an increased loss of nutrients through the urine. This in turn means than diabetes sufferers are extremely likely to have deficiencies in their essential mineral and vitamin levels.
Unfortunately the majority of doctors do not see or maybe even understand the need to replace and build up the nutrients that are lost, which of course leaves sufferers lacking in the bodies essential vitamins and minerals.
It has been noted that diabetes sufferers who have taken good quality supplements have benefited from their body being able to maintain a better healthy level of their blood sugar levels.
People with type 2 diabetes who have taken good quality vitamin and mineral supplements daily have noticed lowered risk of infections and less days taken off work sick.
Not all supplements are created equal however, it is vitally important to source only the highest quality vitamin and mineral supplements. It is no good just popping into the local health food store and picking up the first supplement you find. Minerals especially vary considerably, with the majority being just made up from crushed rock or metals, which of course the body finds incredibly difficult to absorb and can lead to toxic build up.
Plant derived minerals on the other hand are just that, they are obtained from plants. Plant based minerals are 7000 smaller than their metallic counterparts and in “food state”, so are much easier absorbed by the body.
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