VitaminCCapitalLetterC Segment of Vitamin C

I am delighted to be making some three minute “segments” to be shown on Revelation TV in addition to my usual Get Well programs on Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Here is my segment on Vitamin C!

Hi, I’m Felicity, let’s have a Get Well Stay Well moment on Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is probably the most vital vitamin there is! Professor Andrew Saul and Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling spent their lives researching and educating the world on this amazing vitamin and anti oxidant. They both say that we need minerals in the body first, in order to absorb vitamins. They also say that natural, plant derived vitamins are the best.

It is said that mega doses of vitamin C, especially taken intravenously, will cure virtually all disease. Its antioxidant qualities mop up viruses and bacteria in the body. It rebuilds our immune system, our heart and lungs, and stops infections.

It’s safe, it’s effective, it’s inexpensive and readily available in fruits and vegetables.

Some animals make their own vitamin C, but humans do not. We have to take it in in nutrition each and every day. Because it is used up in the body so fast, we should be taking Vitamin C foods or juices every six hours.

Studies show that Vitamin C is effective for cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and auto immune disease. It helps prevent and treat glaucoma, macular degeneration. It prevents cataracts, gallbladder disease, constipation, Lyme disease, hay fever, asthma, depression, bronchitis, infertility, chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, arthritis and osteoporosis.

The best natural sources are red peppers, oranges and other citrus fruit juice, cantaloupe, broccoli, kiwi, green peppers, tomatoes and red cabbage. Other foods rich in vitamin C are dark leafy greens, papaya, mango, watermelon, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, winter squash and pineapple.

Vitamin C is proved to be essential for healthy skin and eye health. It reduces inflammation, in asthma, bronchitis and breathing problems. Patients with aortic stenosis who received only a gram of Vitamin C a day reduced their risk of heart attack substantially. It is safe to supplement Vitamin C to bowel tolerance. This is nature’s perfect way of showing how much each of us should take.

Vitamin C has been shown in studies to help clear Helico-bacter pylori, and the associated risk of gastric cancer.

It also been shown that Vitamin C. helps lower blood glucose levels in diabetics, with additional beneficial reductions in low density lipoprotein and plasma free radicals.

Historically vitamin C was used for preventing and treating scurvy. When sailors had been away from land and deprived of fresh fruit and vegetables for months, they died of scurvy in their thousands. When
eventually Vitamin C rich limes were taken on the voyages, the crew stayed well, and this is how British sailors became known as limeys!

So take advantage of the amazing rainbow God has given us of delicious fresh fruit and vegetables, loaded with Vitamin C. “See” what difference it will make it your health! And Get Well and STAY Well!
There is a great deal more FREE information on my website, 484

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