In only six weeks have restored my breathing, given me more energy and enhanced my eyesight! I am also receiving testimonies from around 200 others!
I am hearing of auto immune disease being dramatically improved, uplifted mood, sounder sleep, stronger bones, wounds healing quicker, reduced food cravings and slimmer figures…. Truly exponential health benefits in such a short time. It just proves HOW DEPLETED we have been of minerals!
They are known as the SPARK PLUGS IN OUR BODY!
Without them we cannot absorb vitamins.
This ethical British company makes plant based VITAMINS too! Again, these come in a delicious, easy to transport, wafers, and the molecules are all plant derived, therefore easily absorbed in the body.
I am taking these, together with their extra powerful rosehip Vitamin C and Krill oil. If you want to be a Good Samaritan and share the good news with friends, family, work colleagues and church members, (maybe also your doctor, dentist or physio!) you can become a Distributor, and pay for your own minerals and vitamins as I do.
To become a Distributor, click on You can become a Good Samaritan to family and friends in sharing this unique, ground breaking product. By helping others, you will help yourself, and be blessed, as we always are when we do good things. You will find favour in unexpected ways, restore your own health, make a new circle of like minded friends, and also make a residual monthly income which will pay for your own products, and more.
The more people we help, the more blessed we are, and of course the more income you will make on an on-going basis. Residual income is so important in these last days when pensions shrink and fail.
The company is ethical, you will have your own dedicated back office, and they pay your commissions direct into your bank account. You will see your distributorship grow each day as your new contacts join, and every time they order more product, you will be given the credit.
When you start to get wonderful testimonies from your contacts, you will be blessed in many ways.
Believe me, there is nothing so wonderful as to hear that you have helped someone regain their health. The minerals came as an answer to prayer for me, when at 74 I was told my heart was giving out under the stress of running this Get Well Ministry single handed. I prayed for some help, and within a week were recommended by a born again Revelation viewer. A real answer to prayer.
Thank you, God!