A healthy, gluten free, utterly delicious bread The following ingredients make one loaf One and...
Here are the available posts on ArticleBicarbonate of Soda, the jewel in the cupboard
Yes, that humble packet of Bicarbonate of Soda is a gem! We can drink it to alkalise our bodies...
Get Well – STAY Well Courses Brochure
Download the latest Get Well Stay Well Courses brochure by Rev. Dr. Felicity Corbin Wheeler.
Great Get Well Day at the Royal Society of Medicine in London
It was a real joy to meet so many viewers on our Get Well Stay Well London Day at the Royal...
Legal Disclaimer: Any information provided on www.hippocratesineurope.com or...
Felicity in London Saturday 19th July 2014 – Private Reunion at the Royal Society of Medicine
In response to so many viewers who want to come to one of my meetings, but cannot travel to Jersey...
AVOCADO, MANGO AND BROCCOLI SALAD 2 ripe avocado's 2 ripe mango's 2 cups of broccoli florets,...
May Recipe – Guacamole – 2014
What a lovely, raw, EASY recipe! One ripe avocado, spooned into the blender one ripe tomato,...
Information on the Cure to Cancer Conference – Revelation TV
Cancer cost me a daughter, a husband, and nearly killed me with a huge tumour in the head of my...
The Breath of Life
Genesis 2:7 tells us that at creation, the Lord God formed us from minerals and breathed LIFE into...
Recipe of the month – April 2014
Curried Cashews What better snack than these delectable cashews which are said by naturopaths to...
Juice of the month – April 2014
Sweet Green Juice The healthiest juices are GREEN as they are filled with CHLOROPHYLL. ...