I am delighted to be making three minute health information "segments" on Revelation TV in...
Get Well Stay Well
Here are the available posts on Get Well Stay WellVitamin A
I am delighted to be making three minute "segments" on www.RevelationTV.com. These are in addition...
Vitamin B
C Segment on the B Vitamins I am delighted to be making three minute health "segments" to be shown...
Vitamin C
C Segment of Vitamin C I am delighted to be making some three minute "segments" to be shown on...
Plant Derived Aluminium and other Minerals are safe and actually essential in our bodies
ALUMINIUM Nature has designed the human body to consume food and in turn these foods ‘should’...
Felicity’s Radio Interview reaching America recorded April 2016
It was great to spend an hour on Skypw being interviewed by well known American ladies golf pro...
God’s Holy Days and the amazing relationship to human pregnancy
Zola Levitt was a wonderful Messianic Jew with a large and influential ministry -- a great and...
Thank you, Dr Joshua Axe! I love to feature him on my Get Well TV programs!
Natural cancer treatments title Have you ever wondered how effective natural cancer treatments can...
Get Well STAY Well Healing Centre in Spain
God has given me a clear vision for a Holy Spirit filled Get Well Stay Well Healing Centre here in...
The Deadly Truth About Pasteurized Milk. Credit Dr Ted Broer’s excellent website
Submitted by Austin Broer on Sun, 03/20/2016 - 14:40 I found this article online and thought I...
The Truth about Pensions – by Graham Bridger of Revelation TV
This worrying article about future pensions certainly affects our health, so I am copying it in...
Passover – the only Way to really Get Well and STAY Well in Eternity
I believe Passover is the ONLY way to Get Well and Stay Well. We may “get well” physically in our...