A totally out of date statement you often hear is “You can get everything you need from food”, yet...
Get Well Stay Well
Here are the available posts on Get Well Stay WellHeavens Minerals and Vitamins are a God Send!
Get Well Stay Well viewers who have joined me in taking the unique HeavensMinerals.com are...
Why an Apple a Day is NO LONGER GOOD ENOUGH!
Fruit and vegetables are gradually being stripped of their natural goodness. They are grown in...
Maintaining Brain Health With Minerals
I firmly believe that the current epidemic of physical and mental disease (such as cancer, heart...
Avocado, Asparagus and Basil Salad
1 ripe Avocado sliced 8 ripe Asparagus tips steamed and softened, then chopped into one inch...
Cassie’s Cabbage Detox Juice
Small head of cabbage 4 carrots 2 large handfuls of spinach 2 large handfuls of turnip tops 1...
We all know exercise is a great idea, but so many procrastinate! Don't think about it, just...
Getting Well and Staying Well from Sinusitis
We all know that antibiotics are life-saving in an emergency, but for recurrent infections they...
Oasis of Hope Christian Cancer Hospital, Mexico
In 2003, when I had been given only a few weeks to live, I was told at my church in London...
The Ultimate Guide to Antioxidants
Antioxidants are, without a doubt, an essential part of optimal health. Even conventional...
Reflexology with Aromatherapy
God's Word says we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" Psalm 139. We see...
Dr. Thomas Lodi – How Cancer Happens
Notes from a lecture by Dr. Thomas Lodi At first glance, the causes of cancer seem daunting. It...