Great news! A new website now supplies our Get Well Stay Well health products direct! This is a reliable Christian firm in the UK. The owners trained with Dr. Patrick Vickers at his Northern Baja Gerson Treatment Clinic in Mexico.

Alan and Sharon Burton met Dr. Patrick Vickers at my Get Well Stay Well Seminar in Southampton. Then they visited his Northern Baja Gerson Centre in Mexico. They learned the Gerson Therapy from Patrick, who is the current world authority. Alan and Sharon have now created a user friendly website where we can order a wonderful selection of health products fast.

They stock the enema kits, the enema coffee, juicers, distillers, water filters, nebulisers, immune system support, colloidal silver, dental care, hair care, shower filters, bentonite clay, CoQ10, Lugol’s iodine, flaxseed oil, magnesium oil spray for topical use, blood pressure monitor, Altrient Vitamin C and a great selection of supplements to add to our basic minerals and vitamins. What better to give a gift of health to family and loved ones!

Order direct from their well chosen extensive catalogue of these and many more gorgeous health products on line

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