Get Well Stay Well Course

by | Jul 13, 2013 | Article, Get Well Stay Well, Healing, Upcoming Events

The program is designed for intelligent people who are aware of being overweight or under stress

and want to detox to prevent disease, and also for those who are addressing disease and want to Get Well and Stay Well.

We live in a toxic, increasingly stressful world, with pollution in the air, water, soil, chemicals in our clothes, houses, offices, soft furnishings, and from all the electro-magnetic radiation around us from mobile phones, computers. Added to this, we are being bombarded with nuclear radiation emanating from Fukushima in Japan. Scientists say that the radiation from this will be 85 times worse than Chernobyl.

We need to know the best ways to protect ourselves and our families, to detox from these stressors, and find pure air, water, raw organic nutrition, exercise, sunshine, and rest.

Toxicity is not just unsightly fat on the surface, it leads to killer diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes and all the inflammatory diseases like arthritis, as organs and arteries also become fatty and clogged.


VegetablesThe cells then lose their electricity, hydration and oxygenation, and eventually die. When enough cells die, the organ dies. This is what happens when we eat the WRONG proteins, carbohydrate

s, fats and sugars. We need to feed our cells with the RIGHT ones!

The Get Well Stay Well Course addresses the Biology and Regeneration of Cells, the Immune System, Understanding Digestion and Enzymes, Preparing a Nutritious Diet using juicers and dehydrators, How Cells Communicate, Importance of Hydration, How to Purify Drinking water, Maintaining Perfect Weight, Peaceful Natural Sleep, Avoiding Landmines, Optimum Food Combining, Alkaline/Acid Balance, Eliminating Toxins, Detoxing Ionic Foot Baths, Leucocytosis, Handling Stress, Meditation Techniques, Surviving Hospital, Infection Free Flying. Peaceful, Natural Sleep, Avoiding and

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Addressing Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Arthritis and Osteoporosis, Anxiety, Ageless Ageing,

Detoxing Ionic Foot Baths, Laser Therapy, Oxygen Therapy, Gorgeous Recipes for Life, Putting it All into

Practice, and Survival Medicine.

Join a small class, or do the Program designed One to One, Just for You.



BOOK THE COURSE NOWor download the Get Well Stay Well eBook Course


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