Magnesium is a strong fortress!

by | Dec 20, 2019 | Articles, Around The World, Article, Get Well Stay Well, Healing

What magnesium does for us

Magnesium is even better than Vitamin C – it heals 65 deficiency diseases! Magnesium activates 800 enzymes in our bodies, compared to Vitamin C which activates only 8. So supplementing magnesium could well be your answer to:

Acid reflux, Adrenal fatigue, Alzheimer’s, Angina, Anxiety and Panic Attacks, Arthritis, Asthma, Atherosclerosis with calcium deposits, Blood Clots, Bowel disease, Brain dysfunction, Bruxism (teeth grinding). Cerebral Palsy, Cholesterol elevation, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Cystitis, Depression, Diabetes, Dysmenorrhea (cramping with periods), Fatigue, Fibrositis, Headaches, Heart disease, Hypertension, Hypoglycaemia, Indigestion, Inflammation, Insomnia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Jaw tension, Kidney Disease, Kidney Stones, Migraine, Muscular-skeletal conditions, Muscle cramps, Muscle weakness, Neck and back pain, Nerve problem, Numbness, Osteoporosis, Paralysis, Parkinson’s, Premature contractions, Premenstrual syndrome, Raynaud’s syndrome, Seizures, Skin Sensitivity, Sudden infant death syndrome, Tension Headaches, Tooth Decay, Twitching, Vertigo.

Apply magnesium as a spray!

I find the best assimilated is LIQUID MAGNESIUM. So I use a magnesium oil SPRAY which we simply smooth all over the body after the bath or shower. My aromatherapist also uses this oil so it really gets into my back. During the daytime I keep my magnesium spray nearby for an energy boost onto the palms of my hands. I rub it well in and then BREATHE the magnesium directly into the lungs. A great energy boost.

I buy my magnesium oil from tried and trusted friends at

Take magnesium in a delicious drink!

We shall never thrive unless we give our bodies all 75 essential minerals, and all 16 vitamins. Again, I believe in LIQUID ones and drink mine for maximum bio availability. Incredible value for under a pound a day. Buy direct as I do!

When we have particular needs, such as the health problems listed above then we must add in extra magnesium.

That way I am getting ALL my minerals, plus a super dose of magnificent magnesium right into my skin, where it is quickly absorbed. I hope this helps! Please e mail me and let me know your good results!

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