We’re nearly there!

So exciting to see our new International Revelation TV centre now looks nearly finished from the outside! It is apparently going to be the finest TV studio in the whole of Europe!

It is amazing what God has done. We have no major donors, but just sacrificial giving from ordinary Christians all over the world. We reach 169 countries.

I have watched and prayed over this site since the beginning when we prayer walked the land, and then laid scriptures in the cement foundations!

Now we are just waiting for the final funding to come in, get the wiring and TV equipment set up, the licence granted, and we shall be open!


Join with me in tithing to see this centre complete. Tithing is Biblical and works! God even asks us to TEST HIM in this!

In Malachi 3:8-12 God says that we are robbing him if we don’t bring the whole 10% tithe into the storehouse. And robbing brings curses. How many Bible believers realise this? Not many! Most churches nowadays never mention money for fear of offending people. But when we do tithe God promises He will pour out blessings so abundant that we cannot hold them all!

The blessings may not come as finances, but as exponential favour. This can open doors that no man could.

I only know that when I learned about tithing, and did it, my life changed with the most wonderful blessings. The right people came into my life, new opportunities opened up, a new peace comes on us.

Tithe to RevelationTV.com, on line direct, with a card. Or we can ring the office and make a donation over the phone, using our debit or credit card. +44(0) 208 972 1400 (Open Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm UK Time).

Or simply send a cheque, made payable to the Revelation Foundation, to: PO Box 16833, Sutton Coldfield, B73 9XD, UK.

I look forward to seeing you at the opening!

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