Post Polio Syndrome

by | Jul 6, 2019 | America, Around The World, Articles, Get Well Stay Well

The CDC (American Centre for Disease Control) reckon that more than 90 million Americans, and of course many MORE millions more worldwide, could have been vaccinated as children and young adults with the SV40 (Simian Monkey Virus) contaminated Polio vaccine. This might have produced polio at the time, or the virus could apparently have stayed in the body, only to manifest as people aged and the immune system deteriorated. Its called “elderly or adult onset post polio syndrome.”

In July 2019 I have at last been correctly diagnosed with this Post Polio Syndrome, a growing paralysis, which could have killed me if left untreated. My spine and respiratory system had been collapsing the last seven years. I had lost seven inches in the thoracic area, muscle strength in my core, my back and legs, and developed rapid paralysis of breathing muscles. Lying down and sitting down I could still breathe freely, but any exertion winded me.

On the spinal issue I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. and advised to take drugs which cause appalling damage to the body. So I refused the drugs. I knew that my Gerson based diet of herbs, fruit, seeds, nuts and green vegetables should provide all I needed. However our soil is now 86% deficient in minerals, so that food no longer is enough. So I learned to supplement the plant derived minerals and vitamins. But the paralysis grew and the breathing issue on exertion was severe..

On the breathing issue I had been diagnosed with COPD years ago. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, I did not believe that either as I had NO dry OR productive cough, my lungs were clear. I had never smoked although brought up in a smoking environment. I was reduced to being on oxygen concentrators at night, a wheel chair on bad days, a Rollator on good days, which helped. Yes I had asthma and am allergic to smoke, traffic fumes, chemicals and WiFi, but COPD is used as a very general diagnosis covering over many possibilities. Could it be better explained as “Cover Over Particular Dilema?!”

I had been to A&E units in both Jersey and Spain with breathing issues, all the tests showed heart and lungs and blood were OK. So what was going on? The specialists I paid to consult never mentioed Post Polio Syndrome,

God led me to an old friend in Jersey, Professor Diana Mossop, who made the diagnosis of post polio syndrome with BioWell, the Russian Korotkov method and galvanometer. She is also using podo rhacidian mobilisatioin, She has immune therapies which can help.

But how disgraceful that that the consultants and doctors never diagnosed this. They could have helped me over the last years when we could have more easily REVERSED THE PARALYSIS. But they never like to admit that vaccines can be very dangerous. Another lesson learned. Pray for me as I do everything I can to heal so I can then help many others. If I beat pancreatic cancer surely I can beat this breathing issue too. I am already on x39 Stem Cells from LifeWave, which I offer in my affilliate products.

In one week only on these patches and the Diana Mossop plant and tree remedies I am dramatically better. Driving around the island, giving lifts to four other girls on the course, doing an intensive full time Practitioner Course 9 am -6 p.m. for six days on PhytobioPhysics and also Podo Rhadician Mobilisation. I am getting well and I shall STAY well and help others while God keeps me here on earth!

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