Where are we in the war against cancer?

by | Jul 31, 2021 | Articles, Get Well Stay Well, Healing, London, Seminar

Watch this special Get Well Stay Well Seminar – Hosted by Felicity Corbin Wheeler at The Royal  Society of  Medicine –  London.  Doctor Francisco Contreras reveals the truth, the background of cancer and where we are in the war against cancer. 

Recorded on 25th July 2015

Food is vital for you to get health or regain health.

In this video Doctor Francisco Contrreras goes in-depth to explain the significance of foods in controlling our body signalling system and how they use foods to successfully treat cancer petients at The Oesis of Hope Hospital – Tijuana, Mexico.

Alternative Cancer Treatments Mexico, Tijuana

Oasis of Hope’s Contreras Alternative Cancer Treatment (C-ACT) in Tijuana, Mexico, employ various therapeutic elements focused on killing cancer cells directly and more efficiently while alleviating the toxic risk to the healthy cells.

Director, President and ChairmanOasis Of Hope Hospital
Tijuana Mexico


Dr. Francisco Contreras serves as director, president and chairman of the Oasis of Hope Hospital. A distinguished oncologist and surgeon, Contreras is renowned for combining conventional and alternative medical treatments with emotional and spiritual support to provide patients with the most positive treatment experience possible.

Emotional Renewal
Physical health is directly influenced by thoughts and emotions. Oasis of Hope’s psychologist will help you manage cancer related stress, anxiety and distress. Individual counseling and group activities lead to an emotional renewal as sweet as a breath of fresh air.

Oasis of Hope in Tijuana, Mexico was founded by Dr. Contreras’ father, Dr. Ernesto Contreras, Sr. in 1963, and since then the hospital has provided alternative cancer treatment for more than 100,000 patients from 60 nations.

Cancer Survival Rates at Oasis of Hope Hospital

Stage IV Cancers: Oasis IRT-Q Vs Conventional Treatment.

Stage IV Breast Cancer

Stage IV Ovarian Cancer

Stage IV Lung Cancer

Stage IV Colon Cancer

* 1 Year comparison. National Cancer Institute: US SEER Survival Monography Ovarian Cancer Year Survival Rates
** Oasis of Hope was the first treatment option

Source: Oasis Of Hope

More Videos

Dr. Francisco Contreras reveals the secrets behind cancer treatment success at the Oasis of Hope Hospital in Mexico.

Links that save lives.

Felicity was affiliated with a number of great contacts in the world of natural health. These also include some of the best suppliers of natural and organic products that are vital to keeping a healthy body. As part of her legacy, we will endeavor to keep you up to date with all the links through her website and monthly newsletter.

Genesis Healing

This is a downloadable eBook containing  over 22,500 words and gives the Felicity GET WELL STAY WELL course in a nutshell. For a fraction of the cost, follow the essentials of the course at home.

Special tribute to our beloved Felicity Corbin Wheeler 

FelicityCAn incredible lady who devoted her life to helping others; if you are reading this maybe you were one of those who were helped, guided, informed or simply inspired by Felicity’s incredible knowledge and passion for a healthy and prosperous life.


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